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- 2.0 HD
- 主演:Joy Buolamwini Meredith Broussard Cathy O'Neil Silkie Carlo Zeynep Tüfekçi Amy Webb Tranae Moran Virginia Eubanks Icemae Downes Ravi Naik Deborah Raji Timnit Gebru Safiya Umoja Noble Wolfie O'Neil Kiri Soares
- 导演:莎里妮·坎塔雅
- 短评: Exploring the fallout of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini’s startling discovery that facial recognition does no
- 5.0 第1集/共1集
- 主演:未知
- 导演:未知
- 短评:Two survivors struggle through a dangerous journey in a world shrouded with evil and terror.